Our People
Felicity, Administrator

Sarah, Assistant Manager
Supported by a double degree in Early Childhood Education and Psychology, Sarah draws on her wealth of experience as a teacher, as well as personal experiences as a mother, to craft a curriculum designed specifically for one year olds. Backed by a well experienced teaching team, Sarah ensures our tamariki are inspired, challenged and supported as they take those first big steps of discovery, exploring the potential of inviting learning environments within a comfortable, and caring setting.

Liz, Karaka Head Teacher
Exploration “Children learn through play; by doing, asking questions, interacting with others, devising theories about how things work and then trying them out” – Te Whāriki

Rachel, Kowhai Head Teacher
As a kaiako of three and four year olds I pride myself in maintaining a programme that is fluid and adapts with the children as necessary. My dual curriculum knowledge allows me to have a strong understanding of where children are at, and where they are heading in terms of learning and development. I have two children myself, both who thrive in the Little Wonders environment alongside their peers. I strongly believe in providing an atmosphere where children have a sense of empowerment, agency, and confidence in themselves as learners.

Kirstin, Whero Head Teacher
“All children need to know that they are accepted for who they are and that they can make a difference” – Te Whāriki

Michaela, Kaiako
“Children see themselves as explorers, able to connect with and care for their own and wider worlds” – Te Whāriki

Kylie, Kaiako
“Children understand their own mana, atuatanga – uniqueness and spiritual connectedness” – Te Whāriki

Jimena, Kaiako
“Children know they belong and have a sense of connection to others and the environment” – Te Whāriki

Holly, Kaiako
“Children are critical thinkers, problem solvers and explorers” – Te Whāriki

Anna, Kaiako
“Children have a strong sense of themselves as a link between past, present and future” – Te Whāriki

Keisha, Kaiako
“Children have a sense of wellbeing and resilience” – Te Whāriki

Ashleigh, Kaiako
“Languages develop in meaningful contexts where children hae a need to know and a reason to communicate” – Te Whāriki

Trinnity, Kaiako
“Childrens relationship to Papatuanuku is based on whakapapa, respect and aroha” – Te Whāriki

Sam, Kaiako
“Children understand their own mana atuatanga” – Te Whāriki

Tash, Kaiako
“The languages and symbols of children own and other cultures are promoted and protected” – Te Whāriki

Gill, Reliever
“Appreciation of and respect for children’s social and cultural connections are expressed in the day-to-day life of the setting” – Te Whāriki
We strive to provide consistency and familiarity for our children and families. In the event that one of our permanent teaching team will be away, we have four awesome relievers that we call upon. The children are familiar with these teachers and enjoy having them in the classroom when their permanent teacher is absent. They are valued contributors and members of our Little Wonders family.