Our Rooms

Licensed for just 40 children, Little Wonders Greenmeadows is a small learning community with a mixed age setting. This environment promotes strong tuakana-teina relationships, as tamariki from different ages learn from each other.

A safe and secure infant space is available for our under 2s, providing an environment where our Kaiako can support infant development and practice milestones such as rolling, crawling and walking. 

Daily Routine

Our Flow of the Day For Under 2s

7:30 am: Centre opens/welcome children

8:30 am: Outside play is available

9:00 am: Morning kai time/explorations and investigations

11:15 am: Karakia and kai

11:45 pm: Sleep

2:30 pm: Afternoon kai time/explorations and investigations

4:00 pm: Late kai

5:30 pm: Centre closes

Our Flow of the Day For Over 2s

7:30 am: Centre opens/welcome children

8:30 am: Outside play is available

9:30 am: Rolling morning kai time/explorations and investigations

11:30 am: All children are invited for hui - tamariki are free to decide if they want to join

11:45 am: Karakia and lunch

12:00 pm: Explorations and investigations

12:30 pm: Sleep time for those who need rest

2:30 pm: Rolling afternoon kai time/explorations and investigations

4:00 pm: Late kai

5:30 pm: Centre closes

These routines are flexible to meet children’s needs throughout the day. Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routine, and meal times are also flexible depending on their needs. Learning experiences are provided throughout the day. Nappy changes are done 2 hours after children arrive and every 3 hours after that unless needed sooner.