Engaging with your Child's Early Learning Centre Philosophy
Did you know that at the beginning of each year, your child’s Early Learning Centre undergoes a philosophy review where all parents are encouraged to provide their ideas, suggestions and feedback on the Centre philosophy?
Okay, but what is a Centre philosophy?
This is a valid question!
Education Hub define centre philosophy as a statement that “draws together everything that the ECE centre believes about education and connects the concepts of teaching and learning together – it describes and justifies the way teaching happens as it does and the context around what’s happening”.
In simple terms a centre philosophy can be described as the beating heart of the centre. It informs everything from how the centre is set up, what resources and learning experiences are offered to children, the interactions that can be expected in the centre and what the centre values as important for their learning community.

What happens during a philosophy review?
At Evolve we require centres to review their Centre philosophies annually. This ensures that everyone involved in a centre has an opportunity to share their voice about what happens within the centre.
This doesn’t mean that the philosophy is completely rewritten each year but does mean that centres will ask you what is important to you, what made you chose their centre and what your whānau values in regards to your child’s learning. These questions may come through as surveys, Storypark posts, in person, through centre displays and other various methods. We highly encourage all whānau to share their voice and help shape the centre’s philosophy for the year ahead.
Why is your voice important?
Having your voice heard is super important as it helps the centre to ensure that their philosophy is still relevant and meeting the needs of your child, your whānau and the wider community surrounding their centre.
If you have any questions or queries around either your early learning centre’s philosophy or the review process please reach out to your teaching team.
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